Data from: High-resolution thermal imagery reveals how interactions between crown structure and genetics shape plant temperature
Mapping |
Orchard Common Garden | UAS, Orchard | Sagebrush Common Garden |
Data from: Human population growth and accessibility from cities shape rangeland condition in the American West
Mapping, Modeling |
Data from: Improving inferences about private land conservation by accounting for incomplete reporting
Mapping, Modeling |
Data from: Intraspecific variation mediates density dependence in a genetically diverse plant species
Modeling |
Orchard | Sagebrush Common Garden, Majors Flat | Sagebrush Common Garden, Ephraim | Sagebrush Common Garden |
Data from: Mapping foodscapes and sagebrush morphotypes with unmanned aerial systems for multiple herbivores
Mapping, Mechanisms |
Magic Reservoir-Camas | Sagebrush Chemistry/UAS, Cedar Gulch-Leadore | Sagebrush Chemistry/UAS |
Data from: Modeling tree canopy height using machine learning over mixed vegetation landscapes
Modeling |
Data from: Near-infrared spectroscopy aids ecological restoration by classifying variation of taxonomy and phenology of a native shrub
Mapping, Mechanisms, Modeling |
Raft River | Sagebrush Chemistry, Craters | Sagebrush Chemistry, Cedar Gulch-Leadore | Sagebrush Chemistry/UAS, Magic Reservoir-Camas | Sagebrush Chemistry/UAS |
Data from: Socio-ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape
Mapping |
Data from: Unmanned aerial systems measure structural habitat features for wildlife across multiple scales
Mapping |
Magic Reservoir-Camas | Sagebrush Chemistry/UAS, Cedar Gulch-Leadore | Sagebrush Chemistry/UAS |
Data from: Using social-ecological models to explore stream connectivity outcomes for stakeholders and Yellowstone cutthroat trout
Mapping, Modeling |
Social Ecological Outcomes of Connectivity Conservation |
Data from: Using an Ultraviolet Light Test to Improve Sagebrush Identification and Predict Forage Quality for Wildlife
Mechanisms |
Data processing scripts for: A Genotype×Environment experiment reveals contrasting response strategies to drought between populations of a keystone species (Artemisia tridentata; Asteraceae)
Mechanisms, Modeling |
La Sal B | Seed Collection (Plant UTT-2), Highway 95 Hilltop | Seed Collection (Plant IDT-3) |
Dataset for Estimating eBird Arrival Dates and Temperature Anomalies for American Kestrels
Mechanisms, Modeling |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 1996-COYOTE BUTTE wildfire boundary near Initial Point Kuna Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
COYOTE BUTTE (Initial Point) | UAS, Slickspot (Initial Point) | UAS |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2005-NORTH HAM wildfire boundary near Hammett Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2013-PONY COMPLEX wildfire boundary near Mountain Home Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2007-COLD wildfire boundary near Glenns Ferry Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2015-SODA wildfire boundary near the Oregon/Idaho border USA-2022
Mapping |
Soda Natural Area-1 | UAS, Soda Natural Area-2 |UAS |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 1991-BF3 wildfire boundary near Corrals Trailhead Boise Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Corrals Trailhead (BF3) | UAS |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2010-SOUTH TRAIL wildfire boundary near Hammett Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from within the lower Dry Creek watershed near Boise Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Lower Dry Creek | UAS |
Dissertation | Upscaling Tree Demography to Heterogenous Landscapes Using Models and Remote Sensing
Mapping, Modeling |
DNA methylation of two heat-stress genes in redband trout from constrasting thermal environments
Mechanisms |
Little Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Little Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Upper Sampling Reach |
Draft Genome for Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata
Mechanisms |
Orchard | Sagebrush Common Garden, Orchard | Seed Collection (Plant IDT-2) |
Dry Creek Experimental Watershed Data Access
Dry Creek Lower Weather | Sagebrush Leaf Microbiome |
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, July 2021
Mapping, Modeling |
Fine-scale habitat patches of Idaho attributed with climatic, topographic, soil, vegetation, and disturbance variables
Mapping |
Mechanisms |
GEM3: Gemonics Workflow
Mechanisms |
GEM3-Redband trout collection reports
Mechanisms, Modeling |
University of Idaho | Hagerman Fish Culture Experiment Station, Fawn Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, Whiskey Jack Creek | Trout Common Garden Lower Collection Area, Whiskey Jack Creek | Trout Common Garden Upper Collection Area, Keithly Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, Williams Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, Pole Bridge Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, Duncan Creek | Trout Common Garden Lower Collection Area, Duncan Creek | Trout Common Garden Upper Collection Area, Big Jacks Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, Little Jacks Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, Trail Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, North Callahan Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, Boulder Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area, Upper Mann Creek | Trout Common Garden Collection Area |